The goal of BSCI certification is to ensure sustainable and responsible business practices in a company's supply chain.
Social responsibility standards
Companies must comply with a set of social responsibility standards, including workplace safety and health, the prohibition of forced labor and child labor, and fair wages and working hours.
Supply chain management
BSCI certification requires companies to focus on the behavior of all actors in the supply chain, including suppliers, manufacturers, and subcontractors. Companies need to ensure that all participants meet the certification standards and take appropriate measures to improve social responsibility performance in the supply chain.
Auditing and monitoring
BSCI certification assesses companies' social responsibility performance through auditing and monitoring mechanisms. This includes regular on-site audits to examine working conditions, wage payments, working hour records, and tracking the implementation of improvement measures.
Continuous improvement
BSCI certification encourages companies to pursue continuous improvement by developing and implementing improvement plans, correcting and preventing social responsibility issues, and enhancing the sustainability and transparency of the supply chain.